APR 7TH---Southwest Colorado confirmed COVID-19 cases by county: ARCHULETA 774; test positivity rate 4%; LA PLATA 3,455; test positivity rate 5%; sjbpublichealth.org
Archuleta County has a CALL CENTER that can answer your questions related to COVID-19 and refer you to resources that are available to you, (970) 422-7084
Colorado activates 2-1-1: dial 2-1-1, online 211Colorado.org, or text your zip code to 898-211. This number can be used to navigate resources like housing, health, food during this time of the pandemic. Only use 911 for emergencies.
APR 7TH--Archuleta County is at Level Blue ("Caution") and La Plata County is at Level Yellow ("Concern").
Three young organizers were surprised when more than 200 locals showed up for a Black Lives Matter protest in their rural hometown of Pagosa Springs, CO. In part 2 of this interview, these young people share their thoughts about racism.